
Sugar and the pH Miracle Diet

The pH diet stresses a balanced approach to eating. By limiting the intake of acidic foods and increasing the intake of alkaline foods one can achieve optimum health. One of the main factors in the fight against acidic pH levels is sugar. Sugar is an epidemic in our modern world. The average American consumes 2 to 3 pounds of sugar each week, that translates to over 135 pounds of sugar per person per year.

This alarming number is attributed to the wide popularity of sugar as an additive. Sugar is in everything, hiding in various forms. Sucrose, dextrose, and high fructose corn syrups are active ingredient in all processed food and condiments. These highly refined sweeteners leave a bitter taste in the mouths of those who are starting out on the pH diet due to their universal acceptance as a “necessary evil’

With sugar’s radical effect on insulin levels, the body has no fighting chance against the damage. When insulin levels drop; so do the release of growth hormone. These growth hormones depress the immune system that leaves the body open to a host of diseases and maladies. Insulin also inhibits the body’s ability to fight off weight gain and elevated triglyceride levels. Put quite simply, the higher in simple sugars a food is, the more likely it will promote fat storage in the body. These stored fat cells play a host to acidic waste that in turn degrade the structure of red blood cells in the bloodstream.

Sugar also fights for control of the cellular development in the body with Vitamin C. From a structural standpoint, Vitamin C and Simple Sugar are quite similar. As sugar levels go up in the body, they compete with one another when they enter cells. If there is a higher concentration of sugar in the bloodstream which will allow more sugar into thirsty cells leaving little to no room for Vitamin C. Without the phagocytizing effects of Vitamin C on cellular structures they are unable to fend off the attacks of viruses and bacteria. Lower white blood cell counts equal a suppressed immune system that isn’t strong enough to protect the body.

Sugar is devoid of vitamins and minerals and upon absorption steals vital micro-nutrients to help it metabolize into the system. A deficit is created when these micro-nutrients are not replaced. This deficiency causes fat cells and cholesterol to not be metabolized thus leading to high blood pressure and obesity. The ability of sugar to raise insulin levels artificially eventually leaves the pancreas dysfunctional and the body dependent on sugar. This is commonly referred to as diabetes. Simple sugars have also been attributed to gallstones, mood disorders, heart disease and even asthma. With all of the negative effects that sugars have been clinically linked to, is it any wonder that sugar is also one of the most acidic things you can put into your body.

Cancer is the most dangerous result of heavy sugar dependence. Cancerous cells thrive on lactic acid. This lactic acid produced by fermenting glucose is transported into the liver. A more acidic PH is produced by this buildup of lactic acid in the cancerous cells, the highly acidic nature of cancerous tumors is testament to this. The connection between sugars and unhealthy acidic levels in the bloodstream is clearly drawn through the connection of glucose (sugar) and cancerous cells. Simple sugars are quite simply a poison to the body that will eventually deteriorate the quality of cellular development and suppress the immune system to the point of failure.

By balancing the diet with an 80% alkaline and 20% acid induction of foods, supplements, and beverages you can decrease the risk of disease in the body. By replacing simple sugars with more complex ones or alkaline-based sweeteners such as Stevia, one can decrease the dependence on simple sugars and avoid bad health. Look carefully at ingredient labels and be aware of the many names that simple sugars hide behind. Become educated on how the body metabolizes simple sugars, as well as how carbohydrates can be broken down into simple sugars in the bloodstream. By arming yourself with information you can improve the quality of your life.

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Note: This article is written in good faith. Please consult your doctor before taking any action.

Risk Factors – Pre Diabetes

The onset of type 1 diabetes is rapid and once it is diagnosed there are no grey areas – you have diabetes. Pre_diabetics In type 2 diabetes, with close monitoring of people who are at high- risk it is possible to diagnose a condition known as pre_diabetes. What this means is the person’s blood sugars are higher than they should be but are not considered high enough to warrant a diagnosis of diabetes.

When a person is diagnosed with pre-diabetes there is no set period of time that they have until they are diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. With careful monitoring, a healthy eating plan and physical exercise the onset of diabetes can be delayed for months, years, or even forever.

Once a doctor determines that a patient is pre-diabetic an annual blood test will be ordered to ensure blood glucose levels are remaining at a healthy level. The doctor will probably request that a monitor is purchased and blood sugars are monitored on a semi- regular basis at home too.

There are many risk factors that are associated with pre-diabetes. They include:
Being overweight or obese No physical activity Having had gestational diabetes If you are over the age of 45If members of your family have been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes

Having the above risk factors makes it more likely you will be diagnosed but it does not mean it will happen. If you know that you are at risk, take your health into your own hands and work to create a healthier lifestyle so you can prevent pre-diabetes and the onset of type 2 diabetes. If you have question on how to do this, speak with your doctor for suggestions. He or she will probably recommend starting an easy exercise routine to get you active and help you lose weight.

Tips for Remembering Blood Pressure Medications

Are you currently taking medicine for your blood pressure? Do you take other medication as well? Remembering to take any medicine can be a hassle to some people especially if you have to take more than one at a time. Here are a few things that might help you remember because it is very important you do not forget to take your blood pressure medication.

Some people purchase little pill boxes that help you organize your pills. You can purchase pill boxes that have one for every day of the week. You put all the pills you need to take into each box for each day. You can purchase these almost anywhere and they do come in handy for those that are forgetful.

If you take medicine regularly you might try keeping it on your bathroom sink. When you finish getting ready or even just brushing your teeth, you can take your medicine. Have your blood pressure medicine and any other medication that you have to take right there. This is a great easy reminder.

Get into a routine. Taking your blood pressure pills at the same time every day will eventually get you in the habit and you won’t forget. If you have to take your medicine with food you could always take them every day with your lunch. Getting in the habit of this is a great way to never forget your blood pressure pills again.

There are many people that put notes everywhere to remind them to do something. Taking your blood pressure medicine is no different. Put up a note on your fridge or on your computer at work. Every other day or every week change the color of the note and place it in a different spot; on the phone, the mirror, the fridge, wherever you will see it.

A really great way to remember to take your blood pressure medicine is to make your own little personal chart. Try to use different color pens or pencils if you have different medications to take. This is a very neat and organized way to keep track and to help you remember.

If none of these would work for you, try having a friend or relative give you a quick call during the day to remind you. While this might sound effective it may not work as well for some. If you take your blood pressure medicine while you are on the phone with them it can be very helpful. If they just call to tell you and then you hang up, you might forget in that time.

If you have a computer and are savvy enough you could set up a reminder. You can also find free services that will do this for you and send you a reminder email. Have it tell you to take your blood pressure and have it repeat until you have taken it and then delete it. Make it do this daily and you will remember to take your blood pressure medicine.

You can easily come up with your own creative ways of remembering to take your blood pressure medication. Try a few different ways and see what works best for you. Once you get into a routine of taking it you shouldn’t have a problem remembering to take it.

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Note: This article is written in good faith. Please consult your doctor before taking any action.

Diet Cannot Affect Your Blood Pressure – Is it true?

One day I was sitting with my friend in a restaurant. He ordered a lot and I was thinking “is he going to eat all?” In fact he is a short temper or hyper. Last month he was complaining about his blood pressure. Today I guess I reached to the cause of his blood pressure. No, it’s not about eating more. It’s about what you are eating. Then I asked him “Are you aware that what you eat can affect your blood pressure?” Don’t worry, I try to explain;

Each person’s body system is different from other. We should be careful when selecting the diets or foods for ourselves. It might be the best for your friend but not for you or vice verse. Therefore, selection of your diet or food can be very helpful in keeping your blood pressure normal. It is not necessary you take care only when you complain about high blood pressure, no start practicing now.

Care is better than Cure

1.    Try to be Vegetarian: Well I am not vegetarian but if you have blood pressure you could try a vegetarian diet. In this diet you will get many of the following;

Calcium, Magnesium, Vitamin A & C, Potassium, Complex Carbohydrates , Polyunsaturated Fat Fiber; All of these can have a great influence on your blood pressure.

2.    Sugar: We all like sweets (chocolates) but do you know sugar can increase your blood pressure. As you know it also trigger the diabetics so why not try to reduce the intake. Try to reduce slowly.

3.    High Fiber Diets: A diet high in fiber has been clinically proven effective in lowering your blood pressure. These diets will also help you reduce your cholesterol levels and even promote weight loss.

4.    Salt: Salt is another thing that can increase blood pressure. In fact, low blood pressure people use salt as remedy. But sometime without knowing the end effects, we just add salt in our foods. If you reduce your salt intake, it will help you to lower your blood pressure.

5.    High Potassium Diets: A diet high in potassium and low in sodium reduces your blood pressure rise by reducing the effect of adrenaline. If you reduce your sodium intake you must also increase your potassium intake. Are you listening? I asked to my friend who was just moving his head.

I started giving him some more tips;

There are some vegetables and spices that help control your blood pressure. Many of these are very common vegetables and spices so you may be helping your blood pressure and not even know it.

1.    Onion: We should use onion in our daily life. Onions’ essential oil is very good for health. If you have two to three tablespoons of this essential onion oil a day, it could help reduce your systolic levels (hypertension).

2.    Tomatoes: Tomatoes are also a beneficiary to controlling blood pressure. They are high in GABA, a compound that helps lower your blood pressure.

3.    Broccoli contains several blood pressure reducing ingredients.

4.    Carrots also have many compounds that do the same.

Introducing these vegetables to your diet will do wonders for your blood pressure. Even if you don’t suffer from high blood pressure, it’s best to keep it at a safe level and take the extra precautions to get there.

5.    Garlic and celery are also great to add to your diet. Garlic is good for the heart which you’ve probably been told before. Eating just one clove of garlic a day has been proven to be beneficial.

Well I think you must be boring? I was just explaining to him but I did not eat mine. I just started eating by saying “I hope you understand what I explained about Diet and Food relation with blood pressure and yes surely a diet can affect your blood pressure”.

How To Use Insulin as Treatment for Type 1 Diabetes

 Type 1 diabetes develops because the cells in the pancreas are not producing enough or any insulin to process the food in the body into energy. The only way to fix this is to inject insulin into the body to replace the insulin the body should be producing on its own.

Type 1 diabetes is also known as Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus (IDDM) and requires insulin treatment for the patient to survive.  This is done by via insulin injections.

There are two different types of insulin that can be used and in most cases a combination of the two is required.  There is fast-acting insulin that is taken and it will start working immediately or within 30 minutes after taking it.  This insulin is good for the beginning of the day before breakfast.

If your body goes through the insulin quickly another injection of the fast-acting insulin may be required before dinner time.  The other type of insulin is long-lasting.  It can be mixed with the fast-acting and injected at the same time but can take upwards of 2-3 hours before it takes affect. Taking this insulin the morning should work for lunch or dinner time meals.

If multiple needles to not appeal to you, an insulin pump is another option. It is a machine that will pump fast-acting insulin into your system as needed.  Prior to meal times, a button can be pressed to inject an extra dose of insulin to process the food that is going to be eaten.  Some find this method offers greater flexibility, a benefit that outweighs the fact the pump has to be worn 24 hours a day.

The other piece of the treatment puzzle is a balanced diabetic diet.  In addition to the insulin injections the food that is consumed is very important.  If the proper food is not eaten, blood sugar levels will rise and so will insulin requirements.

I hope this will give you a basic idea about how to use insulin as treatment for type 1 diabetes.

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Note: This article is written in good faith. Please consult your doctor before taking any action.